
How it all started

The portfolio app was created to showcase my skills and projects as a frontend developer. It serves as a playground for experimenting with new technologies and frameworks, specifically Next.js, and TypeScript.


This web-based portfolio app presents my projects, skills, and contact information in an organized and visually appealing manner. It demonstrates responsive design principles and modern frontend development techniques.

Users can browse through my projects, read detailed descriptions, and view pictures/videos in order to understand better how the apps work.

Data and Accuracy

By leveraging Next.js, the app benefits from the file-based routing system, which simplifies navigation and enhances performance. The static site generation capabilities of Next.js ensure fast load times and an efficient user experience.


  • Typescript
  • Next
  • Tailwind
  • DaisyUI
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest
  • Git

Future Improvements

Adding a blog section.